Top things to do in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable forest national park, with its rising ridges and valleys is Africa’s oldest rain forest – it’s also well-known of famous mountain gorilla. But visiting Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable forest goes beyond being just a Gorilla experience. There is so much else to see, do and experience.

Mountain gorilla trekking

Mountain gorillas are undoubtedly the highlight of a trip to Uganda. At an elevation ranging from 1160 to 2600 meters above sea level, Bwindi Impenetrable forest is blessed with over 400 mountain Gorillas. These lovely gentle primates are a must-see, well worth including on your number of experiences or achievements that you hope to accomplish during your lifetime.

Bird watching in Africa’s leading birding haven.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is one of the most amazing places to have birding experiences. Bird watching with over 350 species, including 23 Albertine endemic species around the waterfall trail and in the Mubwindi swamp land and in the Ruhija sector which makes Bwindi Impenetrable forest one of Africa’s leading birding destinations.

Once you take a walk in the mist covered forest, you could catch a glimpse of a northern double collared sunbird, or the globally threatened species, the Shelly’s crimson wing, Chapin’s flycatcher and African green broadbill – one of the most sought after species in this part of the country. Uganda’s national bird – the beautiful grey crowned crane is a common sighting too!


Forest walk to waterfall trail

For the adventurous, this is the perfect way to experience the depth of impenetrable forest. Starting from Buhoma – at the north gate, Munyaga river trail gets you to the beautiful pristine waterfalls a truly rewarding experience. The sounds of the forest and the gentle cover of morning mist make’s your walk enchanting. Along the way you will see plenty of flora and fauna, black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, lots of colorful butterflies, orchids, tree ferns, epiphytic ferns. If one waterfall isn’t enough there is always another trail in Rushaga – at the south gate, that boasts another amazing forest experience.

Meet Ankole long-horned cows.

On a road trip to any of 4 gates to Bwindi, (Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga & Nkuringo) you will not miss these native Ankole long-horned (sometimes called ‘Watusi’) cows in south western part of Uganda. Most of these cows carry a pair of unmistakable cream-white horns, large at the base; these massive horns curve elegantly above the head forming a sharp pointed ending which can grow up to eight feet.

Meet warm & amp; friendly local people.

While enjoying the scenery, along the way you will witness the traditional way of life, of the local people; very hardworking, you’ll see them toiling the fields and celebrating harvests. They have a common way of addressing visitors calling “mzungu, mzungu”, it’s their own way of expressing how happy they are to see you.

Where to stay from Bwindi impenetrable forest

Bwindi impenetrable forest has quite number of accommodation arranging from budget, mid- range and luxury accommodation which includes

Luxury – Silver-Back lodge, Bwindi Lodge, Gorilla safari lodge, Buhoma lodge, Chameleon hill lodge, Clouds mount gorillas lodge, Gorilla forest lodge, Mahogany springs camp and Ruhija Gorilla safari lodge.

Mid-range – Gorilla Mist camp, Gorilla Valley lodge, Nkuringo Gorilla camp, Eco Marvels Gorilla Resort, Engagi lodge Bwindi, Lake Kitandara Bwindi Camp, and Cuckooland Lodge and Gorilla family lodge.

Budget – Broadbill forest camp, Buhoma community Rest camp, Wagtail Eco safari camp, Bwindi view Banda’s, Gift of Nature lodge, Nshongi camp, Nshongi Gorilla Resort, Ruhuja community Rest camp, Ruhija Gorilla friends Resort and Trekkers Tavern cottages.

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