Chimpanzee Trekking

Where can I trek chimps?

Chimpanzees are trekked in different parts of Uganda that includes Kibale forest national park, Kyambura gorge and Maramagambo forest in Queen Elizabeth national park, Budongo forest in Murchison falls national park, Semulki national park, at the zoo [Uganda Wildlife Education Center] and Ngamba Island Chimpanzee sanctuary in Uganda.s


How much is a chimp permit?

Chimpanzee tracking has got different pricing depending on tracking area and season, at Kibale national park it costs USD150 during peak season and USD100 during low season. And for those will want to do chimpanzee habituation experience its cost USD250 per person. A part from chimpanzees, will see other primates like velvet and Red Colombus monkeys, Olive Baboons and birds.

At Kaniyo Pabidi in Budongo forest it costs USD80 per person and USD50 at Kyambura gorge in Queen Elizabeth national park per person.

When is the best time for me to trek chimps?

It’s better to trek during peak seasons of June to September and December through January when all the trails are passable and drier than in the wet seasons.

But still you can track any season of the year because the experience is the same and the pricing remains the same.

What to pack and carry as you plan to trek the chimps?

Trekking boots, long sleeved shirts, trousers, back pack, mosquito repellant, cameras with no flash light for photos, rain jackets and sweaters for cold weather, sun huts and glasses and a walking stick all this to help you through the trek experience.

Where to stay while on chimpanzee tracking

At Kibale forest national park one can stay at Primates lodge, chimpanzee forest guest house, crater lakes lodge, Kibale forest camp, mountain of the moons, Isunga lodge, Kyaninga Royal cottages, Rweteera safari park and Ndali lodge.

Those tracking chimpanzees at Budongo forest reserve can stay at Budongo Eco lodge, Kabalega Resort hotel, new court view hotel, Paraa safari lodge, Pakuba safari lodge, Murchison River lodge, Red chili lodge and Fort Murchison lodge.

Those tracking chimps from Kyambura Gorge reserve and Maramagambo forest in Queen Elizabeth national park will stay at Kyambura Gorge lodge, Enganzi game lodge, Mweya safari lodge, Park view safari lodge, Bush lodge, Tembo safari lodge and Engiri game lodge.

Semuliki national park, trackers can stay at Semuliki safari lodge, Ntoroko game lodge, Kirimia Guesthouse, National park Banda’s and campsite and Semuliki Guesthouse.

Rules and regulation of chimpanzee tracking

  • Move in a group of 6 people and maintain the group to avoid getting lost.
  • Anyone with any communicable disease is not allowed to track so as not to infect the chimps since chimp’s share 99% DNA test with human.
  • Minimizing movements and speak with a low voice to keep them in place.
  • Smoking around the park is prohibited.
  • Stand at distance of 10 meters away from the chimpanzee.
  • Don’t eat or drink in front of the chimpanzees
  • The minimum age for chimpanzee tracking is 12 years
  • Avoid using cameras with flash light
  • Always follow guides instruction while on track.
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