Stunning Boat safari Queen Elizabeth National Park

 Stunning Boat safari Queen Elizabeth National Park

Stunning Boat safari Queen Elizabeth National Park

Rukungiri district and Kasese are included in the western region of Uganda, which is home to Queen Elizabeth National Park. It takes roughly 6-7 hours to travel 400 km by road from Kampala to Kasese to reach the park. Prior to Queen Elizabeth of England and King George VI’s honorary visit in 1939, the park was known as Kazinga Channel Park. Afterwards, it was dubbed Queen Elizabeth National Park. The renowned features of the park include the tree-climbing lions, 95 animals, including African buffaloes, elephants, and hippopotamuses, 10 primate species, including chimpanzees, and 618 bird species.

Boat safari Queen Elizabeth National Park 

Boat safaris are conducted around Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park. It’s a 40-kilometer-long that runs beneath the Mweya Peninsula, close to the Mweya Safari Lodge, and connects Lake George and Lake Edward.

The amusing wildlife that can be seen while on the boat and the fresh air that fills the boat make the boat trip at Kazinga Channel an incredible experience that leaves visitors wanting more of Queen Elizabeth Park. It’s a peaceful and unforgettable time.

Professional guides lead the boat excursion through the Kazinga Channel, which takes around one to two hours.These tour guides are available to respond to any queries visitors may have both before and after boarding the boat.Before you go, you learn the most about the history of Kazinga Channel. The instructions provide guidelines for a safe and enjoyable channel trip, outlining the rules and regulations that must be adhered to.

The cruise is held twice a day; the first time it departs at 11:00 am and concludes at 1:00 pm, and the second time it departs at 2 pm and ends at 5 pm. Due to the great demand from tourists, it may be done more than twice to provide visitors the chance to enjoy the breathtaking moment along the Kazinga Channel and see Uganda’s wildlife, including hippos, birds, and reptiles, as well as the channel’s swampy parts.

As a result of the abundance of hippopotamuses in the area, boat rides offer the opportunity to observe them in addition to bird watching, as the Kazinga Channel is known for its abundance of waterbuck ringing around its shores. As we proceed, we can observe the numerous Nile crocodiles as well as grazing African buffalo, elephants, and occasionally a lion drinking from the banks.

A boat trip over the Kazinga Channel costs thirty dollars for non-resident foreigners, twenty-five dollars for residents of other countries, and thirty thousand Ugandan Shillings for inhabitants of East Africa. The boat journey offers a breathtaking view of the DRC’s highlands and fishing communities on the southern bank.

Finally, though not least, the Kazinga Channel offers boats that, if you have the right equipment, can operate and enhance your journey in a variety of ways. You can board both government boats run by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) or commercial boats run by Marasa on the Kazinga Channel. Visit Queen Elizabeth National Park to make your journey unforgettable.

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