Bwindi Impenetrable National park is not only a gorilla trekking destination but also a birders spot. Blanketed with the thick rain forest’s rich biodiversity, the park boasts with over 360 bird species of which 23 are endemic to the Albertine rift. There is no dought that the park ranks among the tremendous birding spots in Africa to give you a full day entanglement in the jungle as you enjoy the bird’s sweet sounds and melodies.

Best time for birding in Bwindi.

Birding can be carried out throughout the year in the park but preferably in the months between March- September as the trails are passable. The bird’s nesting period is between the months of May and June where food is in abundance and migratory birds are present between November and April. Do not forget that birding can be best done in the morning hours after solving hunger issues with a delicious meal.

Birding in Bwindi forest can be carried out through the 3 major trails Buhoma waterfall trail, Mubwindi swamp (Ruhija) and Bamboo zone trail. Among the park’s bird list for the birders to watch include:

  • Wallers Starling.
  • Handsome Francolin.
  • Strange Weaver.
  • Western Green Tinker bird.
  • African Olive- pigeon.
  • Ruwenzori Batis.
  • Grey Crowned Crane.
  • Crested Guinea fowl.
  • Tit Hylia
  • Brown chested alethe
  • Brown snake eagle
  • Cassin’s Flycatcher.
  • Cape Wagtail
  • Brown- Capped Weaver.
  • Grey Cheeked Hornbill.
  • Black Bee eater.
  • African Pygmy- kingfisher among others.

For more information regarding the Bwindi’s bird list, Contact Chosen Expeditions and Tours for immediate assistance.

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